Sid Muhammad Press where you can order books, CDs, and other publications by Sidi, Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rafa’i as-Shadhuli.
Fethi Benhalim, currently of Santa Fe, NM, was born in Libya in 1949. He graduated with a Masters from Cambridge in Law and Economics. He began studying Sufism in 1977 with a Moroccan sheikh of the Shadduli order. He was a director of Diwan Press which translated and published Sufi books from the original Arabic. He was an emir in Granada for 2 years. He met Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal on Sidi’s very first visit to the US in 1994. He has traveled extensively with Sidi, serving as a translator.
The Green Mountain Branch of the Shadhdhuli School for the Tranquillity of Being and the Illumination of Hearts, under the direction of Shaykh A. Nooruddeen Durkee, the Khalifah in North America of Shaykh Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad al-Battawi, from whom he received idhn and ijaza in 1984CE/1405H to teach Islam from the Sufic (tasawwuf) perspective and to initiate, train and guide people specifically in the way of Shaykh Abu’l Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli, may Allah sanctify his secret. The Green Mountain School is actively dedicated to teaching in the English language and Arabic transliteration the ahzab, adhkar, awrad and du’aa’ of Sidi Abu’l Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli, may Allah sanctify his secret, which have informed, inspired, and delivered spiritual salvation to many thousands of people from all over the world for more than 800 years.
Sidi with Shaykh Durkee in 2012
The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism: We envision a world where the flag of God’s love, peace, mercy, freedom, justice, and beauty flies above every home. Our mission is to spread the Sufi message of unity, the way of all the prophets and messengers.
Shadhiliyya Sufi Center located in Pope Valley, California is “a community of students of Sidi Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhuli of Jerusalem.” Sidi is an extraordinary spiritual Guide who has opened our hearts to Divine Love, and dramatically transformed our lives. We are dedicated to embodying and sharing Sidi’s message of peace, love, mercy, justice, freedom, and beauty. The Sufi way is a path of unity that draws us from all walks of life and every ethnic group.While largely based in North America, we are linked to communities in South America, the Philippines, Japan, and Europe. We warmly welcome newcomers to any of our events. Most of our local communities offer teachings and spiritual practices designed to purify our hearts so that we can be better vessels of love and service to our brothers and sisters everywhere. Also, we are very blessed to have our Guide visit us annually. We gather in larger communities or “Sufi Schools” to experience his presence directly, receive his teachings, and share loving fellowship. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We’re eager to hear from you. 707-965-0700 x21.”
Shadduli Center shares the teachings of the late spiritual Sufi leader Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-RifaI ash-Shadhuli, known affectionately all over the world as Sidi, and aims to spread his message of Peace, Love, Mercy, Justice, and Freedom for all people. Through these teachings we aim to help people elevate their hearts and minds to understand that a world filled with love and peace is more than just a vision. It is a reality we can all achieve collectively by taking that individual first step towards spiritual enlightenment, regardless of our race, color or creed.We help to educate and support the poor and needy and to continue with the charitable works that Sidi strived so hard to support in his lifetime. This a paid membership site to access video teachings by Sidi. If you have any questions, please contact Rifqa Sanderson, These videos are to truly feed your heart and send Sidi’s message of peace, love, mercy, freedom, and justice. You can contact Salih Tony Kent at .
James Keeley has a website called Walking with God. (Now called He is a wonderful teacher and has a year long healing school that I highly recommend. James has been studying spiritual healing since 1995 and has served as a Faculty member at the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism. He has helped train people from all walks of life in the art of spiritual healing. Health care practitioners looking to add a spiritual dimension to their practice, individuals seeking personal healing, couples and parents having problems in their most important relationships, and people desiring a more intimate and profound relationship with the Divine have all benefited from his practical approach to healing and spiritual development.
Dr. Robert Ibrahim Jaffe is a licensed medical doctor, spiritual teacher, and gifted healer. He has helped thousands of people to change their lives by helping them to find true healing, and to establish a connection to the Divine. Dr. Jaffe has dedicated his life to bringing love, healing, and kindness to the world. His loving, sincere, and gentle nature leaves a lasting impression on everyone he meets. Click here to go to the official site of Dr. Robert Ibrahim Jaffe. is a social network focused around various Islamic content, including tafsir, hadith, Muslim history, and provides tools for studying Islam and memorizing the Qur’an. Explore the new unique and institutive way to discuss and share Islamic knowledge!
Alan Godlas is a professor at the University of Georgia on Islam and Sufism. is a completely free, non-profit website providing access to the largest and greatest collection online of Qu’ranic Commentary, translation, recitation, and essential resources. has the entire Qu’ran in Arabic and its translation, plus they have mp3s of the Qu’ran that you can download by a number of different reciters. There is also a link for where you can access all the hadith. At the link, you can find prayer times for your city.
LionHeart works with organizational leaders committed to making the world a better place. Their definition of success begins with an inspired mission and strong service ethic – and ends with the financial viability necessary to fulfill their passionate purpose. Our clients are leaders in businesses and non-profit organizations that contribute to a healthy society. Whether start up leaders, new executives who’ve inherited toxic cultures, or industry game changers in a cause that matters to them, our clients share one common theme: an unwavering commitment to excellence. Since 1983, we’ve helped thousands of leaders bring the best out of themselves and others. Our passionate commitment is to work with you to create a trusting, collaborative culture through open, honest, respectful communication. We facilitate the real conversations necessary to ensure you have strong values alignment and a high performing culture. This allows you to achieve operational excellence, strategic alignment, and breakthrough results.
In early 2014, a group of highly accomplished professionals created the non-profit Shafiyy Institute to make available uniquely effective methods of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. These founding members bring decades of experience as healers, counselors and healthcare providers, as well as dedicated service in the nonprofit sector. Each member has a longstanding commitment to engaging in the personal spiritual practices of classical Sufism. The Institute was founded to make available to all people the insights, healing techniques and benefits found in this tradition. The founders include Wadude and Nura Laird, Rahima Schmall, Salima Adelstein and other graduates from USHS.