Guidelines for Giving and Receiving Healings

  1. It is imperative that both the healer and the healee keep their appointments with each other or reschedule before the appointed time.  Be polite with one another.  A 24 hour notice for cancellation is the professional standard.
  2. The space that the healing is done in must be free of interruptions and allow both participants to be in remembrance and in the adab (polite).
  3. The healer must always be aware that it is their job to watch the heart of the healee and be the eyes, ears, and hand of Allah in giving what Allah gives you to give – only. At no time should the healer engage in giving advice from their nafs or making judgments.
  4. The goal of healing is to bring the healee closer to Allah.  The best way to do this is to be in prayer and not impose your pictures, beliefs, or values onto the healee.
  5. The healing relationship is based on creating a safe, ethical and professional environment for the healing.  There can be no touching with permission, suggestions, seduction, or insinuations or romance or anything that is less than completely professionalism.
  6. Complete confidentiality is vital.  Do not talk about what happened during the healing with others.
  7. After a healing is completed, do not bring up the content of the healing unless the healee asks a question.  Keep them in their heart space.  Do not return them to their space.  Do not share insights unless you were guided to do so during the healing.
  8. Both healer and healee must commit to deepen their awareness of their issues and needs. When triggered, commit to continue to get healings until the energy that was brought up has transformed.   When an issue is mirrored by a healee, it is important to address in in yourself rather than think it is about the other person.  Be in the adab with each other and honor each other’s hearts.
  9. If a healee feels unsafe or uncomfortable with the healing, offer to stop the healing if necessary.   Have mercy for one another, hold them with love.  The healee must take responsibility for his/her needs and remember their task is to open to the love and light of Allah to any areas that are needing and ready to be healed.
  10. Self responsibility means recognizing when you have a need for a healing.  Recognize that you are never a victim, but rather you are being given the mercy to find a place within yourself that needs to be cleaned or healed.  Commit to  look inside to find the place that is outside the love and God and then return it to the love.
  11. It is a privilege to be a healer.  It requires that we live from a place of surrender to Allah and trust that is the divine that always knows what we need.  It is Allah that is the healer, not your self, but the Allah within each of us.   It is important to agree to respect this privilege and honor the teachings and guidelines.  Preserve the integrity and sacredness of the gifts we are given.

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