
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice, recently made more well known by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Joe Vitale.  The premise of Dr. Len’s teaching is to take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in your life.  He teaches that there is only one person in your life – you.  Everyone else is a projection of your illusions.  Anything you see in someone else that you don’t like was created by you to show you what you need to heal.  Dr. Len was a clinical psychologist at Hawaii State Hospital for mentally ill criminals. He teaches that he was able to clear out the criminal ward without ever seeing any of the patients in person!  Instead, each day he would take out each patient’s file and pray for them.   They all gradually got better and were eventually released.  The healing process he used is very simple.  It is just the constant repetition of 4 phrases over and over like a mantra (like doing the remembrance).  The phrases are:

  1. I’m sorry.
  2. Please forgive me.
  3. I love you.
  4. Thank you.

That’s it.  A very simple, but effective, process for healing your illusions.  I like because it is simple.  It doesn’t have any religious connotations to scare people.  I don’t think it works as deeply as doing the Remembrance does, but it’s a good practice to start with to get you in the habit of praying constantly.  I also like it because its basic premise is 100% responsibility for anything and everything that happens.  You are never, ever a victim! Just like in the mirror principle.

If you’d like to read more about  Ho’oponopono, here is a link to a different website that talks about it:  Ho’oponopono


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