Al Mughni



Al-Mughni is the Enricher Who is the Giver of richness to His slaves.  He enriches whomever He wills, and Suffices whomever He wishes of His slaves.  So turn to Him in all your worship so that your endeavor will be because of your total need of Him.


From: The Children Around the Table of Allah by Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i Head of the Higher Sufi Council in Jerusalem and the Holy Land Teacher at the Dome of the Rock (al-Aqsa)




Allah is the Enricher.  Allah renders whomever He wishes  rich and whomever He wishes poor.  Then He may render the rich, poor, and the poor, rich.  Some rejoice in their riches and others suffer in their poverty.  Some become conceited in their riches, some become doubtful and claim injustice in their poverty.  We do not know, only He knows what is best for us.  One must consider that poverty and riches, like other aspects of over lives, are but a touchstone that shows the degree of our purity.  One sees in some, faithfulness, trust, and submission: in others objection and revolt.


This life is a testing ground.  One and all, we come here to show our true colors.  Who we are and what we are is not all the riches of this world, which may be spent, lost, or taken away by others, and which will certainly be left behind when we meet our Lord.  But the true riches are knowledge and faith, which do not decrease by spending, nor devaluate with time.  They are our companions in the grave and in the Hereafter.  Which do we prefer?  How do we behave with what we have?  The purpose of our lives is to pass this test.


Allah tests some with riches and others with poverty. Neither condition is important: what matters is submission to Allah’s will.  The riches of this world tempt people to revolt and to be arrogant.  Poverty tempts us to doubt and complain. It is difficult for the rich to be humble, while the poor are humbled easily.  It is difficult for the poor to accept their status and to be generous, but easier for them to be devout.


The Prophet (pbuh) said, “My poverty is my pride.”  The test is not a simple test.  It is not sufficient for the rich to be humble to pass the test, nor for the poor to trust in Allah and be accepting of their condition.  The rich have to know thankfulness and to consider that their riches are not theirs, and to show their thankfulness by their generosity.  The poor have to work hard to better their situation and accept the poverty that persists in spite of their efforts.  That is the true meaning of trust in Allah, who says:

Allah does not change the lot of people who do not change what is in themselves (Surah Ra’d 7)


The poor who accept their state, who are content with what they have, who are not envious, in reality are rich.  The rich who are miserly, ambitious, who want more, in reality are poor.  The patient poor are bound for Paradise, as are the thankful, generous rich.


Once a pure man asked a man of knowledge what should be the attitude of the one upon whom Allah has bestowed riches and the one whom Allah has given poverty. The wise man replied that a rich man should show thankfulness and a poor person should be patient.  The pure believer exclaimed that the dogs in his village behaved that way!  The wise man, annoyed, asked him what he, then, thought they should do.  The pure one answered, “The poor one should be thankful and the rich one should give away all his riches.”


‘Abd al-Mughni is the servant of Allah who has been rendered totally rich, both materially and spiritually, so that he becomes an instrument of satisfying the needs of the needy.  He also becomes an example for other rich people to do the same.  He becomes a means of distributing the riches of this world and of the Hereafter to the ones chosen by Allah.


To recite this Name 1121 times each Friday for 10 consecutive Fridays may help eliminate nervous tension.  If one recites it towards open palms and caresses the parts of one’s body which are afflicted with some sickness, one may recover.  This may also help people who are imprisoned unjustly to be released.


From: The Name & the Named by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti


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