Teachings from Zakariyya

My husband, Bob, was given the Sufi name Zakariyya when he took bay’at with Sidi.  He is a great teacher, writer and healer. He has several gifts that he would like to offer you.

Bob has studied the Law of Attraction (LOA) for many years.  He co-authored a book with Joe Vitale called “The Midas Touch”, which was a #1 Amazon Best Seller.  I can’t give you a copy of that article because of copyright rules, but he has written a story about the Law of Attraction from a spiritual perspective.  When working with Bob, if you tell him what you want, he can literally see what is blocking you from receiving it.   He then works with different Divine Qualities until all the blocks are clear.  He explains this in detail in his free e-book called The Mysterious Truth About Limiting Beliefs.  You can get a free copy of his book at VisibleLOA.

He also did a short video on youtube called 4 Misconceptions of the Law of Attraction (God’s Eatery).  He did this to audition as a teacher at one of Joe Vitale’s events.  Joe liked the video.  Here is a link to the teaching on healing that Bob gave at that Joe Vitale event in 2014.

The second gift is a children’s story.  He titled it, “Kevin’s Love Story” because he wrote it for his son, Kevin, when Kevin was young and acting in ways that Bob didn’t like.  I think it is a great story for all parents.  You can change just a few details and make it a personalized story for your own child(ren).

Kevin’s Love Story

“Come on over here and sit down, Kevin. I have a story to tell you I think you’ll find very interesting. You’re going to love it, and the best part is, there’s a really big surprise at the end. So get comfortable and let’s get started. The name of this tale is “Kevin’s Love Story.” That’s right! It’s a story about you.

If you’ve ever been to Heaven, you know you can pretty much do whatever you want to do up there, even party. That’s exactly what God’s plan was one fine day. God decided to throw a party and invited all of his wonderful friends. Everybody who was anybody was there. Joy, Peace and Humor were playing pin the tail on the donkey. Politeness, Kindness, and Faith were bobbing for apples. Charity, Mercy, and Hope were playing musical chairs. God’s best friend, Love, also attended. They all had a grand time, and God was happy to have such great friends.

That evening, after all of the cleanup was finished, God settled down in His favorite chair to listen to the prayers of all of the people on Earth. There was a certain prayer that really caught God’s attention. It was from a couple asking God to give them a child. God settled even deeper in His chair and thought about the request. Being in a particularly good mood since the party had been such a huge success, God decided to grant that couple’s prayer for a child. But not just any child. No. God decided He would send them a very special child. He called up His best friend, Love, and asked him to come back over. When Love arrived, God told him about the prayer He’d received that evening and that He had decided to honor the request. Then God leaned over and whispered His secret plan into Love’s ear. “Love,” God whispered, “I want to give this couple a very, very special child. I want to give them the greatest gift they could ever receive. I want YOU to go to Earth and become this couple’s new baby.” Love leaped for joy and yelled excitedly, “That’s a fantastic idea, God. I can’t wait to go!”

And so, not long afterward, on October 14, 1988 to be exact, Love arrived on Earth and was promptly named Kevin by his new parents. Since Love was so special, Kevin automatically became special. He was such a happy and peaceful baby, always smiling and giggling. And everyone he came into contact with could feel that this child was someone very special. Love, or rather Kevin, was able to touch everyone in such a way as to make them feel…well…loved! Everyone always got peaceful, happy feelings spread throughout their entire bodies whenever they were in the vicinity of Kevin. No one could explain why they felt the way they did. They just knew that Kevin could make them feel love. This went on for several years. Kevin was special and everyone could feel the specialness.

However, right around his fifth birthday, Kevin got into some mischief. It’s not that he had never gotten into trouble before, because he had. It’s just that his parents always excused his rambunctiousness because they knew he was such a loving child. But now, being five years old, his parents decided it was time for Kevin to start being held responsible for the things he did. One time, Kevin drew with crayons on the wall, and his parents yelled, “Kevin, you’re naughty!” One time Kevin turned on the garden hose without asking and he flooded the garage and den. His angry parents screamed, “Kevin, you’re a bad boy!” Another time Kevin wouldn’t share some of his toys with a neighbor and his parents scolded, “Kevin, you’re mean!” Kevin didn’t say anything, but he did not like to be called these names. He really did try to be good, but sometimes he did things that little kids do. His parents weren’t trying to be mean either. They were just doing what parents do.

Eventually, Kevin started school. He loved school. He loved his classmates. And he especially loved his teacher. But many times, Kevin was the last one to come in from recess. And many times he was the last one to finish up his papers. And he was the last one to get ready at the end of the school day. Sometimes his teacher would shake her head and say, “Kevin, you’re a dawdler!” His classmates began calling him ‘Slowpoke.’ In fact, everybody called Kevin something or other. Names like ‘shrimp’ because he was tinier than everyone else in the class. Or ‘pest’ because he like to talk, even when it was quiet time. Or ‘dummy’ because Kevin often got low grades on his papers. It seemed like everyone had a different name for Kevin. Kevin tried to remain happy, but the name calling hurt his feelings. He began to feel sad. And when he felt sad, he became even naughtier, even slower, even more of a pest. It wasn’t long before he just gave up and started to be what everybody thought he was anyway.

One bright morning in Heaven (because the days are always bright in Heaven), God decided to check up on Kevin and see how he was doing. God could not believe what He was seeing. God saw every one calling Kevin names and how sad that made Kevin feel. “Love cannot be sad,” said God, and so He called one of His Angels and whispered some instructions in the Angel’s ear. The Angel nodded her head and streaked off to Earth. The Angel found Kevin eating his lunch, all alone, on the far side of the playground while the rest of the school kids played games.

Nobody played with Kevin anymore. The Angel appeared in front of Kevin and said, “Hi.” Kevin blinked in wonder. “Where did you come from?” “I’m an Angel from Heaven,” she said. “God sent me to help you.” “An Angel?” Kevin gasped. “Yep,” the Angel replied. “Now that you know who I am, who are you?” “I’m Kevin.” The Angel giggled. “Well, I know you’re Kevin. I mean… who are you really?” Kevin thought very hard for several minutes, then said, “Well, everybody says I’m naughty, a bad boy, mean, a dawdler, a slowpoke, a shrimp, a pest and a dummy. So I guess that’s who I am.”

The Angel put a hand to her mouth, scrunched up her eyebrows and said, “Hmmm. You’ve forgotten alright.” “Forgotten what?” asked Kevin. The Angel answered, “You’ve forgotten Who You Really Are.” Now it was Kevin’s turn to scrunch his eyebrows. “What do you mean I’ve forgotten who I really am?” “Just what I said,” replied the Angel. “You’ve been told so many times that you’re naughty, or bad, or a pest, that you’ve started to believe it yourself. But you’re not any of those things.” “I’m not?” Kevin exclaimed. Then he asked, “Well, if I’m not naughty, why do I do naughty things? If I’m not bad, why do I do bad things?” The Angel tapped Kevin on the top of his head. “Because of this,” she said. “My head?” “Because of your mind; your thoughts,” corrected the Angel.

Then she reached inside Kevin’s lunchbox and took out an orange. “Watch this,” she said as she squeezed the orange as hard as she could. Suddenly, juice squirted out of the orange and ran down the Angel’s hand. “Why did the juice squirt out of the orange when I squeezed it?” Kevin answered, “Because that’s what was inside it.” “Exactly!” shouted the Angel, giving Kevin a high five. “And that’s the same reason why you’re naughty or bad or a pest. Since you’re living from your mind, then whatever thoughts are inside are the only things that can come out. If you keep being told you’re naughty or bad, you ‘think‘ that’s what is inside of you. So that’s what comes out.” The boy’s eyes brightened. “Oh, I get it.”

But just as quickly, his eyes dropped and he became sad again. “Don’t be sad,” grinned the Angel. “The problem is just that you’ve forgotten Who You Really Are. If you lived from here,” the Angel said pointing at Kevin’s heart, “instead of from here,” he again pointed at the boy’s head, “you’d remember. And that’s why I’m here. To remind you. And I’m going to stay with you to make sure you never, ever forget again.” “Then tell me… Who Am I?” “You’re Love!” replied the Angel. “You are total, complete, unconditional Love. And to top it off, you’re God’s favorite. God sent you here many years ago because He wanted to give your parents His most precious gift – YOU!”

Kevin’s body began to tingle and feelings of peace and happiness spread throughout this body. But he still had some questions. He asked, “Well, if I’m really Love, how come Love doesn’t come out of me?” “Oh, but it does!” gushed the Angel. “At least it does when you remember Who You Really Are,” the Angel said, again pointing to Kevin’s heart. “For the first few years of your life, you remembered that you were really Love, and everyone you interacted with was touched by your Love. They couldn’t help but feel it.”

“So what happened?” Kevin cried. The Angel put a protective arm around the depressed boy and said, “What happened is you just began to do things every kid does. When your parents or teachers scolded you and told you you were somebody else, like naughty or bad, you believed them. You accepted their names for you as true. You were told so often, you actually began to see yourself that way. Then, whenever it came time for you to make a choice about how to behave, you would ‘look‘ inside your head to see how to act. And what did you see? Why, you saw naughty and bad and slow. So that’s exactly how you would act. Do you understand?” Kevin nodded, then broke down and sobbed. “I don’t like to be naughty, but how can I change if naughty is what’s inside me?” “Oh honey,” said the Angel, “listen to me. Naughty isn’t what’s inside you. It’s just what you ‘think‘ is inside you.

Love is inside you! That’s why I’m here,” laughed the Angel. “I’m going to be your invisible friend, right beside you at all times. Every time you have to make a choice, I’m going to remind you of Who You Really Are. I’m going to whisper in your ear, “since you’re really Love, what would Love do now? Then you’ll have to think what would be the most Loving thing to do before you do it.” “Wow!” Kevin rejoiced. “I won’t ever be bad again.” “Whoa. I didn’t say that,” chuckled the Angel. “You’ll still get to choose how you’ll act. I’m just going to ask you the question, ‘What would Love do now?‘ You may still decide to be naughty, but hopefully you’ll choose to do the most loving thing.

From that day on, the Angel remained invisibly at Kevin’s side. One day Kevin felt mischievous and took his crayons and was going to draw on the wall, but the Angel whispered, “What would Love do now?” Kevin thought about it for a moment, then went and got his coloring book instead. One day Kevin decided to play with the garden hose Just as he was turning it on, the Angel whispered, “What would Love do now?” Kevin thought for a moment, then went and asked his mom if he could water her flowers. His mother was delighted Kevin had chosen to be helpful instead of destructive. Whenever the neighborhood kids were around and Kevin didn’t want to share his toys, the Angel would quietly whisper, “What would Love do now?” Kevin would then share his toys. The kids were happy and the neighbor’s parents like it when they played with Kevin as he set such a great example for their own children. It didn’t take long for his parents to see Kevin was once again being the special child they had been blessed with. In school, whenever Kevin felt like being the last one in from recess, the Angel would softly ask, “What would Love do now?” and he would hurry back to his classroom, sometimes being first in line. When Kevin would daydream instead of doing his schoolwork in class, the Angel would appear and ask, “What would Love do now?” and Kevin would get right back to finishing his papers, silently. At the end of the school day, when the Angel would whisper, “What would Love do now?” Kevin would quickly get ready to leave and was never last anymore.

People again felt the feelings of peace and happiness throughout their bodies whenever Kevin was near. After a while, Kevin’s parents asked him what caused the change in his behavior. Kevin did not tell them of his Angel, but he did say, “Whenever I’m about to do anything, I ask myself, ‘What would Love do now?‘ and then I do it.” Kevin’s parents looked at each other and thought their son must be a genius. “What an idea!” they exclaimed. From that day on, they began to ask themselves, “What would Love do now?” and suddenly, it seemed as if their whole life changed for the better. They were more loving to everyone, and everyone was more loving back to them.

Kevin’s teachers also noticed the difference. One day she asked him to get up in front of the class and tell them why he was such a different boy. He told them, “Just ask yourself, ‘What would Love do now?‘ and then just do it.” Some of his classmates actually started asking themselves the ‘Love‘ question, and their lives began to change. The teacher also changed. She began to ask herself the ‘Love‘ question. Suddenly she saw all of the her children as perfect examples of love and stopped using names like ‘dawdler.‘ The kids could feel her love for them and they soon became the best behaved and smartest class in the school. Some of the other children’s parents noticed changes in their kids. The teacher told them of Kevin’s ‘Love‘ question. They started to ask themselves that question and suddenly they were happier.

The father of one of Kevin’s classmates asked himself the ‘Love‘ question at work and he suddenly got many new customers because they like being treated lovingly. He brought Kevin in to talk to all of his workers and to tell them his secret ‘Love‘ question. Soon, business was awesome. Word quickly spread about this child genius with the ‘Love‘ question. Townspeople were all trying to talk to Kevin to find out his secret. The next month, the Mayor called Kevin to speak to his City Council. It wasn’t long before all of the city workers were asking themselves, “What would Love do now?” Even the police were more polite to the criminals. Soon, the Governor of the State heard about Kevin and the ‘Love‘ question. The State began to pass laws that were very loving. Everyone in the State felt much happier and safer. Neighboring States wanted to know how to do the same thing, and suddenly Kevin was traveling, speaking to Mayors and Governors from many states.

Finally, the day arrived when Kevin received a phone call from the President of the United States The President asked the little boy how he could run the country better. Kevin told him to ask himself, “What would Love do now?” The United States soon became the most loving country in the world. Leaders from other countries asked Kevin for help and he told them all about the ‘Love‘ question. Love was sweeping the world. It was only a matter of a few years before there was total peace on Earth. Countries that used to hate each other, were now helping each other like brothers and sisters.

Everyone on Earth had enough to food to eat, clothing to wear, and places to live. Sickness was soon erased from the planet because all of the greatest scientists in the world began working together. Every country had enough money and everybody helped each other. Kevin even had a visit from The Pope and The Dalai Lama. The Pope said all he could feel from Kevin was love, just like he used to feel from Mother Theresa. The world was now perfect – all because of a little boy and the question, “What would Love do now?”

Most people would think this is where the story ends, but really, it’s just the beginning.

Remember how I told you there was a surprise ending? Well, here it is… THIS IS A TRUE STORY! Well sure, some of details I made up, but the basic story is true. You see Kevin, you are not really Kevin at all. Nope! You’re really and truly Love. God is total and complete Love and God said He created man in His own likeness. That means you are made up of nothing but Love. Sure, you are in a skin and bones costume, your heart is filled with nothing but Love.

Someday God is going to call you back to Heaven where you will sit next to Him as Who You Really Are – Love. But until that day, you have a job to do on Earth and that is to spread what is inside you to everyone you meet. And the only REAL thing inside of you is Love. Always remember that. It’s not hard to spread Love either. All you have to do is ask yourself, “What would Love do now?” Then, do whatever your heart tells you to do. That will start spreading the Love, and once you start spreading it, nothing can stop Love from flowing everywhere. Kevin, you really can – and will – change the world with your Love. I believe in you, and so does God or He wouldn’t have sent you here.

Oh, and one more thing Kevin. Don’t forget to thank your Guardian Angel once in a while. She has a pretty tough job, always whispering the ‘Love‘ question into your ear all day, everyday. THE END – OR IS IT REALLY ‘THE BEGINNING’

Special Note to Parents: Children get confused about Who They Really Are. So do we, as adults. Who We Really Are are individuated aspects of God, sent here in the form of our Soul. The Soul resides in your heart area. If all we did all day was to radiate the loving energy and light from our souls, the world would be a beautiful place. However, we also have a mind, whose job it is to protect us from pain and hurt. Every time we suffer an emotional wound, we wrap a layer of a gauzelike bandage around our heart, in an effort to protect it. Unknowingly, we don’t need to protect our soul. It is invincible. But we keep wrapping it and wrapping it until it is nothing but a huge ball of bandage. Very little of the original light can penetrate through. And so we act in accordance to what we ‘think‘ we feel – instead of what our heart REALLY tells us to do.

Our job becomes to first, unwrap our own hearts and let our light shine forth, then to help others to do the same. A child’s self-esteem comes from their sense of identity. And their sense of identity comes from you. Children initially believe everything we tell them. If we tell them they are naughty, or bad in any way, they will believe it and act accordingly. It is our job as parents to see – and remind – our children of Who They Really Are — Total and Complete Love. Since everyone was once a child, that means every adult (yes, even you) is also Love. If that doesn’t feel true to you, realize it is only because your own identity is wrapped up in ‘labels’ you received as a child.

We all want what is best for our kids. To install the concept of Love in your children, you must install it in yourself first. It may seem an impossible task, but it is really quite simple. Just like in the story, make it a habit to ask yourself “What would Love do now?” before making any decisions or taking any actions. Once, making more loving decisions becomes your habit, your children will begin to notice. Then you can begin to install it in them by kindly and gently asking them, “What would Love do now?” Read this story to them often. They need to constantly hear Who They Really Are. In fact, so do you.

In, and with, Love. Bob Wakitsch

Kevin was born with one kidney not working at all and the other kidney only at 30 %.  He had a kidney transplant when he was 8 and died at age 22.  I didn’t realize until the following day, but I posted Kevin’s Love Story on the 5th anniversary of his death.


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