Healing Using Arabic Sacred Letters

Each letter in the Arabic is a sacred world in itself.  Each letter calls in a different energy.  This healing uses these sacred letters to work very deeply.

You can do this healing on your self, or long distance on another.  If you do it on a group, it requires a minimum of 3 healers (no maximum).

Have the beloved(s) receiving the healing sit in a circle with their hand touching the part of their body that needs healing.

  1. Healers chant Alif Lam Mim.  After each chant step to the left one step.  Do this 19 times. (Once for each of the 19 minerals in our body.)  Make heart sign on the belly with both hands during Alif, on heart for Lam, and arms outstretched for Mim.
  2. Ya Sin.  Hands forming heart on belly – no sound.  Ya – open arms  Sin – right hand on head, left on heart.  Step to the right and switch positions of hand so that  right hand is on the heart and the left hand on the head.  Repeat 19 times.
  3. Ta Ha  Form heart with hands on belly.   Ta – cover eyes, heart, then touch floor.  Ha – as you come up with arms open.  No movement.
  4. Kun Left foot forward, hands and wrists sideways on chest making heart.  Say Kun leaning forward on left foot forcefully while beating wrists on chest at the same time.  No sideward movement – just the rocking of the feet.
  5. Alif Lam Mim – same as in step 1.

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