Healership Ethics

Creating Safe, Appropriate Relationships

  1. Anchor yourself in God and allow your words and actions to come from this holy place.  In the beginning most of our actions come from the voices that are not from God.  The important point is to have the intention and commitment to have God be your guide in all things.
  2. Develop the ability to hold your healee in your heart; learn how to contain whatever station/state someone else might be in.  This does not mean we give others permission to do whatever they want.  We do not surrender to their nafs.  We are surrendered to how God wants us to serve them.  In all cases, we want to give the mercy to each other-even if someone else makes a mistake.
  3. In the healing relationship, it is the healer’s responsibility to create a safe, ethical, and professional environment for the client.  One of the most important requirements is to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries.  This includes, but is not limited to, the following principles.
  • Before touching a client, always ask for permission first.
  • NEVER touch a client in areas that are suggestive or potentially arousing or threatening.  This includes the genitals, breasts, buttocks, inner thighs, etc.  to heal effectively, it is not necessary to touch the body in any of these places.   A healer needs to be aware and committed to not allowing personal motives to direct your actions.
  • NEVER be suggestive or seductive in your words, clothing or actions.
  • NEVER make a pass or proposition a client.  No romantic relationships with clients.  In most professions, having sex with a client is grounds for license revocation.
  • Monitor your client’s inner level of comfort and safety.  Always watch their heart to know how they are reacting to what you are doing.  Even if your actions are clean and appropriate, your client may be deeply triggered by what you do.

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