Fortunately, although the surface of this moment has its problems (to say the least), God invites us–even while instructing us to do the best we can to discern and change the scum at the surface– to receive the mercy and love underlying the jalali and qahri surface by embracing, one sip at a time, our painful feelings about the surface of the wave, receiving them with gratitude to God, the Lord-Sustainer of all of the worlds of experience. “In every thing there is a sign, pointing to the fact that God is one” وفي كل شيء له آية … تدل على أنه واحد (Abu l-‘Atahiya d. 828 CE). And as the Prophet (pbuh) related, “God said, ‘My mercy precedes My severity’ ” سبقت رحمتي غضبي
I’ve gotten permission from Dr. Alan Godlas (Abdul Haqq), who is a professor at the University of Georgia for Islamic and Sufi studies, to repost his Facebook postings on Islam and Sufism. All translations are done by Abdul Haqq Godlas unless otherwise noted.