This website is designed to help people of all faiths and religions find a close relationship with God. It contains a structured series of classes based on the 18 years of research and experience I have had studying the path of Sufism with my teacher Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhuli, affectionately known as Sidi to his students.
“That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful.”
— Rumi
For more information about my guide, Sidi, visit All translations and transliterations from the Qur’an are taken from “The Tajwidi Qur’an” transliterated by A. Nooruddeen Durkee.
A Message from Spiritual Guide
Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rafa’i ash-Shaduli 
“To all people who seek love, truth, justice and freedom, regardless of their religion, to all those who search for truth through the way of God. Welcome for everyone who wants to learn how to carry the message of unity – the message of love, mercy, peace, freedom, justice and beauty.
We teach how to purify your self so that your heart can more fully reflect your true essence. In order to carry the message of unity, one needs to embody the divine qualities of love, peace and kindness. Then we can achieve our goal of spreading the real mercy, the real love and the real compassion to all people regardless of their faith or color.
There is no requirement to be Sufi or Muslim. We accept people of all religions because all people are holy; all people carry the divine qualities of Allah.
Sufism teaches people how to be happy in a deep and blessed way. This happens through a unique, divinely-guided process of transformation that leads to understanding one’s essential unity with God and the entire creation. As is written, ” He who knows himself, knows his Lord.”
We teach people how to knock on the divine door of happiness and how to open that door and enter!!
You cannot heal yourself or others without the knowledge of the divine because Allah is the true Healer. Thus our healing process relies on guidance from the Holy Books and deep Sufi knowledge. Once you heal yourself, your heart will contain all of the divine qualities and then you will be a successful healer. Follow Allah in everything. From the Sufi perspective most suffering and most illnesses arise because we do not follow the orders of our Lord.”
For more information about Shadhiliyya Sufism, visit
Everyone needs a guide, especially in a spiritual quest. If you were going to take a journey deep into the heart of a jungle, you would hire a guide. You would want to find someone who has already been where you want to go. Otherwise you might wander around for years trying to find your way through. With your spiritual journey, you want to find a guide who has already reached enlightenment. You want a guide who knows the way to where you want to go and can show you the way. These teachings can show you the way, but you still have to do the work – by doing the homework assignments.
To learn more about the need for a guide go to The Guide.
“The tariqa Shadhdhuliyya is the way of the person who forgets all things and returns to the truth as in the beginning, a child in the presence of God. You cannot see more than Him or hear of any other place. You cannot speak without Him. You are with God, in God, to God in the origin of all things. You do not sleep, you are not tired, you watch everything. And so you meet your Love to the end which has no end. You are together. You are one thing only, without borders, without above or below, without right or left. You are in this station and this station is in you – fana’ al-mutlaq, the annihilation in the freedom of God, the start which has no start, then end which has no end.
The stations and steps begin in the first moments with your shaykh. Your good is the love of politeness and peace and agreement to all the orders, without saying why or what. You are always a witness in the garden and the garden is the truth of God. You say only what He gives you to say because you are near the King of kings. God cares for the people who seek the truth. He takes the hand of the lovers in knowing and always takes their hearts to Him forever, face to face.”
(excerpts from “Tariqa Shadhiliyya” from Sidi’s book Music of the Soul. Printed courtesy of Sidi Muhammad Press.)
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Jumanah Deb Wakitsch