Why Get Healings

Before Your First Healing

Before calling in for your first healing with me there are a few things I would like you to understand.  You might already be familiar with some of these concepts.  Since I don’t know your background, I just want to make sure you are prepared before our first session.

First, why everyone needs healing.  Since the moment of conception, you began to have experiences.  Some of those experiences were nice, pleasant, and nurturing.  These experiences we breathe into our very being and allow them to help us grow and to be nurtured.  Some of these experiences were kind of neutral.  We just let these flow through us without having much impact on us.  And then come the negative, difficult experiences that we just don’t know what to do with.  We don’t know what they mean, or how to cope with them.  So we hang on to them and actually store them within our physical and etheric bodies.  This is where they stay until we cleanse them and heal them.

Why Everyone Needs Healing

For people who can see the energetic bodies, like psychics, this experience that we originally had looks like a tiny dot, a speck of energy that we inserted into the grid of our etheric field.  Since it is very small it doesn’t really cause much difficulty – at first.  The problem with this speck is that it is sticky.  Whenever we have another experience that is similar to the original negative one, that spot gets triggered – pinged.  Since this causes us some discomfort, like an echo of that original experience, our being naturally wants to protect us from that pain.  It does this by wrapping a layer of energy around that spot each time it gets pinged.  (Like an oyster does once a grain of sand is put inside it’s shell. )  Over time this once tiny speck grows bigger and bigger until it becomes an energetic cyst.  Eventually, this cyst will cause a problem with the life force (chi or prana) that flows through that part of the body.  As the life force gets restricted or twisted (like a garden hose that has become twisted and the water can no longer flow smoothly), the part of the body that houses this cyst begins to have discomfort, pain and eventually disease.

For a simple example, let’s say that you’re a two year old child.  You want a cookie.  You go to your mother and let her know that you want a cookie.  She says no.  You still want that cookie, so when your mom isn’t looking, you take one anyway.   She catches you and spanks you.  Now how do you process this experience?  Some people would totally ignore this and this would be a neutral experience.  Some people would develop issues with women in authority.  Some would think that God is angry at them (since our parents seem Godlike to us as children).  Some would have issues with food.  If this experience happened to 100 children, they would have 100 different interpretations of what it meant to them.  Much of our interpretations of these events come from our DNA.  We are pre-programmed to filter the world in certain ways depending on what our soul has determined that it wants to experience while in this human form.

There are many methods and techniques for healing these old wounds.  Traditional medicine can help to heal the body as it has progressed to a diseased state.  But traditional medicine cannot heal the underlying cause of the disease – that original wounding.  I generally advise my clients to do both.  Take care of the body physically and spiritually.  They are not mutually exclusive.  The method I will be using for your healing is the one that I learned from my enlightened Sufi Master, Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rafai ash-Shadhuli.  I affectionately call him Sidi.   I have studied with Sidi since the fall of 2000.  He taught me how to work with people’s souls and to heal the veils that keep them from knowing their own divinity.   This is the area that I excel in – Soul work.  I can work with physical ailments, but that isn’t my area of strength.  I can give you a referral to a really good medical intuitive who also studied with Sidi, if you wanting to concentrate more on the physical body.

The point of a healing is not to get rid of this “thing” that seems to be disrupting your life.  What you resist, persists.  Instead we want to find a way to love it and give it what it needs.  There is one or more of the divine Qualities that this part of you thinks it is lacking.  Our job is to help this place know that it already has everything that it needs.  Every experience is a gift from God.  Everything is love.  If you’re not seeing that, you’re not seeing the Truth.

“…within the Shadhuli Sufi way… The primary focus is on cleaving to the quality of God that needs to be developed more strongly, embodying it as the healer and allowing the Divine Intelligence to find its way to the appropriate place in the person’s being.”  “This is how we define healing in the Shadhuli way.  Healing is the returning of the lost and separated aspects of the self and the soul back to their original root in God.” – Dr. Jodi “Shams” Prinzivalli

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Jelaluddin Rumi

Sacred Language

What is sacred language?   What I mean by this, is that just by making certain sounds, you can heal and nurture your being.  Sidi says that there are at least six sacred languages.  These are (to my recollection):  Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Latin, Sanskrit, and Mandarin Chinese.  There may be more, but this is all Sidi mentioned.   That is why many religions use these languages for their prayers.   Just be saying words in these languages can bring the essence of that word into your being.   That is why many people who meditate use Sanskrit for their meditations.  The sound of Ohm, means peace.  They are essentially bringing the vibration of Peace into their very being and allowing that vibration to help heal their body.

Wayne Dyer, a well know personal growth teacher, studied with a Hindu holy man who taught him Japa. The prayer he taught Dyer was with the two sounds of “ah” and “ohm”.   The sound of “ah” is the sound of creation.  If you look at many religion’s names for God, you will see that they contain the sound of “ah”.  Allah, Rama, Krishna, Jehovah,  Yahweh, etc.   Take just a moment and say the sound “ah” aloud.  What do you notice in your physical body?   Did you notice that you feel “ah” in the center of your chest?

During the healing I will be saying many prayers to aid you in your connecting to the Divine.  I will use the name Allah for God.  I don’t believe that this is the only “correct” name to use for God.  I like it because it is in the sacred language of Arabic and it has the sound of “ah” in it twice.   My teacher, Sidi, lives in Jerusalem.  His native language is Arabic and all the prayers he has taught me to use are in Arabic.  You are free to pray along during the healing using your own personal choices for which prayers to use.  I just want you to be aware that I will be praying silently and aloud in Arabic and using the names, Allah, for God.

Since some people have negative pictures of terrorist Muslims associated with the name Allah, I want to add that the name Allah was used long before Islam.  It was used in ancient Egypt as well as other countries long before Muhammad (peace be upon him).  I was taught that Allah means, The One, or  The One God.  I personally believe that we are calling upon the same supreme God.  What we call this deity, varies from country to country, and from religion to religion, but the intention is the same.  I was uncomfortable with the name Allah when I first started studying with Sidi, so I used the name Sophia during my healings.  I liked it because it was more feminine.  You’ll notice that it, too, contains the sound of “ah”.  You’re free to experiment.  Use different names and notice how they impact you differently during your healing.

What I’ll Be Doing

If we have the session face to face, you might notice that I use a specific hand gesture with my right hand during the healing.   It looks just like someone flashing you the “okay sign” in America.  Thumb and first finger forming a circle and the other 3 fingers are erect.  This mudra is making the shape of the name Allah when written in Arabic .  This is an example of Allah written in Arabic from Wikipedia:

The thumb and first finger form the ha, the next two fingers the lams and the little finger is the alif.  (Ha, lam and alif are Arabic letters).   Sidi also says that if you cut the heart in half, you would see the name Allah in its design of chambers, vessels, etc.  I use the “Hand of Allah” during the healing like a laser pointer to help guide the light of Allah channeling through me into you.  If you aren’t with  me face to face, I like to use your picture.

Also during the healing, I may choose to use names that denote different Qualities of God.  In Islam, they teach that there are 99 of these Qualities.  These Qualities begin in the Soul level of our being.  Each of these Qualities carries a different vibration, frequency, and color.  Like a prism breaks down white light into a rainbow of colors, the soul takes the white light of Allah and breaks it into a rainbow of divine Qualities.   I will be using a misbaha, a set of prayer beads.  Similar beads are used by Catholics (rosary), and Hindus and Buddhists  use mala beads.  Misbaha beads have 100 beads.  99 beads are for the 99 Qualities of God and the main bigger bead is for Allah, the One.  Because I have prayed with this same set of beads for years, they carry an infusion of the prayers and the Qualities energetically.

Essentially during the bulk of the healing, I will be saying prayers in Arabic, using the “Hand of Allah” with my right hand, and clicking my prayer beads with my left hand.  In my prayers, I will be connecting deeply with Allah and asking Allah for guidance on how to help you (which prayers and Qualities to use).  Occasionally I will stop and ask you how you’re doing, what you’re noticing, and what is happening within your body.

What You’ll Be Doing

Once we decide what we are working on, I will ask you to bring your focus inward.  When you think of your problem, where do you feel it in your body and what does it feel like?  Does it have a color, an emotion, a texture?  Traditionally I’ve been taught by different healing schools to work with these wounds.  Recently I was shown that this is actually a boondoggle, a way of distracting you from what God is really trying to give you.  Whatever you focus on grows.  We don’t want to focus on what we don’t want.  We want to focus on what you do want.  I caught about 10 minutes of Oprah this morning.  During the program she said that all death is an invitation from God to live life more fully.   She was using the term “death” to apply to anything that has changed dramatically in a way we didn’t think we wanted.  In the case of the woman she interviewing, the death was a divorce.   These wounds that we have incurred over our lifetime are messages from God.  He is asking us to grow, to integrate one of His Qualities that we think we are lacking.

Negative experiences happen to us. We actually draw them into us magnetically and energetically in order to teach us what we came here to learn.   Neale Donald Walsh says that once you announce to the universe that you are ____  (fill in the blank according to what you want to be: peace, generosity, forgiveness, e tc.), then everything unlike it will come rushing to you.  Let’s say you picked peace.  This is the Quality you want to be.  Immediately everything that is chaotic and un-peaceful will come into your life.  God isn’t trying to punish you.  Instead God does this because you won’t know that you already have the Quality of Peace within you, until you use it – no matter what the outside circumstances are.  Neale Donald Walsh has written a wonderful book that teaches this concept called,   “The Little Soul and The Sun”.   It takes about 15 minutes to read.  Pick it up next time you’re in a book store.   Once you know that you are Peace, then it doesn’t matter what happens.  You can be peaceful anytime and anywhere.  Then, generally the events around you become more peaceful to reflect that you now are transmitting Peace to others.  Or you could, like Sidi, choose to live in a place that is full of violence in order to help bring peace to the people who live in areas of unrest.

I will be guiding you to look for the gift behind the negative events.  God has given you this experience because He wants you to draw closer to Him, to get to know Him through His divine Qualities.  Rather than focusing on what the problem is and spending our healing on looking at that problem in depth, we’ll be looking for and focusing on what Quality God is gifting to you.  We will open and receive His gift, rather than spending all our time looking at and complaining about how we don’t like the “wrapping paper”.

I don’t really get too much into your story.  Stories are what we tell ourselves and others about what is happening to us and why it isn’t right.  We use these stories to justify why we feel so lousy.  They keep us stuck thinking that we are victims.  You aren’t a victim.  You soul requested this event so that you can grow.  If I cut you short when you’re trying to explain your story, I’m not trying to be rude, I just want to get to the gift and not give any more power to something that isn’t even real.  If you ignore them, they will weaken over time until they have no power over you.  If you took a strong, muscular person and put them in a wheel chair, within a few weeks their leg muscles would begin to wither and weaken from lack of use.


Everybody gets guidance from God and His angels.  Most people just block it out or don’t pay any attention to it, thinking it was just coincidence.  I was certified in a program many years ago called Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).  This is the original training that started Anthony Robbins in his coaching practice and Fire Walk weekend.   NLP teaches that people communicate visually, auditorially, or kinesthetically.  Visual people talk very fast, gesture with their hands around their eyes and the verbs they use in their sentences are visual.  For example when someone is trying to make a point, they might say, “I don’t see it.”  Or  “That isn’t clear to me.”  An auditory person, talks at a medium rate, gestures more around their throat or eyes and uses hearing verbs.  My husband makes fun of me because when we are talking about going out to a restaurant for lunch, I’ll say, “That sounds good to me.”  He’ll say, how can food “sound” good.  I don’t know, but it does!  A kinesthetic person talks slowly, gestures around their belly and uses feeling verbs.  When given the same situation where someone is trying to make a point, the kinesthetic person might respond, “Can you make that more concrete for me?”  Few people communicate using only one of these modes of communication.  Most people use a combination of all 3, but favor one or two.  Their favorite mode can vary depending on the situation, for example, be very visual sexually (they need to see you or imagine what you look like) and be kinesthetic  with music or dancing.  Our school systems teach mainly visually and auditorially.  Those poor kinesthetics are kind of left on their own to figure it out.  The way most people get guidance is similar to how they communicate normally. If they are visual, they’ll see pictures.  If they are auditory, they will hear words.  If they are kinesthetic, they will feel it.  Personally, in the healing I am primarily kinesthetic, secondarily auditory  with just a splash of visual.  During the healing it feels to me that our bodies become one.  Whatever is happening in your body, I feel it in mine.  That way I can track what is happening and know when we’ve made changes.   I can hear angels sing, but I only get fuzzy pictures of them.  There is no “one right way”  to get guidance.

We will engage in prayers and dialogue until I get guidance that’s enough for today.  Just like going to a gym, you can only do so many reps of an exercise before you’ve reached your capacity.  Same with healings.  Each healing session is different in how much light you will allow to come in.  God wants to  give us the ocean of love, and we usually will only accept a teaspoonful.

From How to Know the Deep Secret Walking to Allah Volume 1: “How much has this person walked and suffered?  This person has spent all of the wealth he carried with him just to find the dear Beloved he is searching for… but he did not even find a drop of the love.  This drop is the one that  brings forth the life in a person and it brings gnosis to him.  The essence of his being is in this tiny drop of love.  You search where you have come from and where you are going for this drop of love, this drop of life, this drop of being.

So why do you belittle yourself?  Why do you destroy yourself?  Why do you neglect yourself?  Why do you not hold yourself holy and respect yourself?  This is where you came from and you should live by it.  You will be very happy – or will be miserable without it.

Who are you?  Do you think you are a small, tiny object?  You contain the whole entire universe within you.  I would like to tell you who you are.  Open your ears and your eyes and your heart. Do not think with the black heart that sees illusion.  Open your inner eye; that is the secret of the your being.”

That’s what healings and mentoring can help you do.

One more thing.  Just because I know these things and connect deeply with God doesn’t mean that I don’t do the same “I don’t like this” dance that you’re doing.  I’m not perfect.  I get caught in my stuff all the time.  I still get healings because I still need them.  We never stop growing and learning.  Even Perfect Enlightened masters continue to walk and deepen their connection to God.

To schedule a healing, click here.


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