Al Muqsit



The Equitable One Who is Just in His Wisdom.  He cleans all harm and oppression, then He perfects His Justice.  When we come to know with certainty that Allah holds the Truth in His Hands, then we see Who is the Sanctioner for the appearance of misdeeds.


From: The Children Around the Table of Allah by Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i Head of the Higher Sufi Council in Jerusalem and the Holy Land Teacher at the Dome of the Rock (al-Aqsa)




Allah is the one who acts and distributes in justice and fairness.  How harmonious and balanced is the creation: all the beauties in heaven and earth; mountains, seas, sunsets, flowers, and also eyes to see!  If there were none to see, wouldn’t the creation of all these beauties be without sense?  If the earth were closer to the sun all of us on its face would have burned to ashes.  If it were further, we would have frozen.  How right is its place.  If the oxygen in the air had been more or less, it would have harmed us.  Allah the Equitable One gives riches to some and poverty to others.  He gives power to some, weakness to others, valor to some, fear to others.  He gives what He gives to the right ones, although some may use it one way others another way, making us doubt.  We do not know what He knows, for we can see only what is in front of us, while he sees and knows the whole.


When we see laws, order, and harmony in an institution in a town, in a country, we attribute it to the existence of a just and intelligent leader.  If we could see the cosmic order or the order in ourselves, who are microcosms, we would see the proof of Allah the Equitable One.


Allah treats His servants equitably.  Not a single good deed goes unnoticed.  Each receives a reward.  Mistakes, errors, injustices are corrected.  When people tyrannize each other, He takes from the tyrant and gives to the tyrannized one.  Yet in doing this, He renders them both content.  Only Allah can do that.


It is reported in a hadith that the Prophet (pbuh) smiled.  Hadrat ‘Umar (pbuh) asked, “What is it that amuses you, O Messenger of Allah?”


The Messenger of Allah answered, “I see two men among my people who are in front of Allah Most High.  One says, “O Lord, take from this man that which is rightfully mine!  Allah Most High tells the other man, ‘Give to your brother what belongs to him.’  The usurper responds, ‘O Lord, I have no good deeds with which to repay this man.’  Allah turns to the wronged one and says, ‘What should I do to your brother?  He has nothing left to give you.’  The wronged one says, ‘O Lord, let him take some of my sins.”


With tears in his eyes, the Messenger of Allah said, “That day is the Day of Judgment; that day is a day when each man will wish other to carry his sins.”


Then he continued to relate: “After the wronged one has wished the usurper to take over some of his sins, Allah asks him to lift his head and look at Paradise.  He says, “O Lord, I see cities of silver and palaces of gold bedecked with pearls.  For which prophet, which saint, which martyr are these palaces?”  Allah Most High says, “They are for those who can pay their price.”  The man who was wronged says ‘Who could possible pay the price of these?’  Allah said, ‘Perhaps you could.’  The man says, ‘How, O Lord?  I have nothing.  What could I do to gain the price of Paradise?’  Allah al-Muqsit says, ‘By forgiving your brother, by giving up your claim in that which he took from you.’  The wronged man says, ‘I forgive him, my Lord.  I do not want my right.’  Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Generous, says, ‘Then hold your brother’s hand and enter My Paradise together.’”


Then the Messenger of Allah said, “Fear Allah and fear doing harm to each other and make peace among yourselves, for Allah Most High will make peace between the believers on the Day of Judgment.”


‘Abd al-Muqsit is one who has a perfect sense of measure, who sees things justly and demands justice.  Above all, he demands justice from himself.  He does not demand justice from another for himself, yet he seeks justice for another from the one who has been unjust.  He protects the one who should be protected.  He helps the one who should be helped.  He raises to the heights the ones who deserve to be elevated.  The Prophet (pbuh) says, “The just will stand in pulpits of divine light in Paradise.”


If one’s mind wanders constantly while doing one’s prayers, reciting this Name 239 times before starting one’s worship may help.  The same recitation also helps to calm people down when they are angry or depressed.


From: The Name & the Named by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti

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