Al Wird with a Partner

  1. Sit facing each other with your knees touching.
  2. One person puts their hands on the other’s knees (knees energetically lead up to the heart).
  3. The other person uses their prayer beads to count the repetitions of each phrase.
  4. Both relax, open their hearts and connect from the deepest heart space with each other.
  5. This practice is deep and beautiful and especially effective for bringing two people’s hearts which are at odds with each other back together.  Allah is the healer.

First Phrase

  1. With eyes open or closed, each person bows their head to their right singing Astaghfir allahu al-dhim.
  2. Then each bows to the left singing Astaghfir allahu al-dhim.
  3. The second note of the tune goes down for 4 repetitions and then the second note goes up for 4 repetitions.

Second Phrase

  1. With eyes open, each person looks over their right shoulder and slowly sings allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammadan wa alihi wa sabahi wa sallim.
  2. Time your head movement so that you look into each other’s eyes when you sing Muhammadan.
  3. Repeat these two steps rotating your head from the left shoulder to the right.
  4. The tune is the same each time, but the starting note descends one tone after the first 3 or 4 repetitions.  The 4th repetition either stays on the same note as the 3rd or goes down one more tone (if it is not too low to sing).

Third Phrase

  1. With eyes closed, each person sings La ilaha while bowing to the right and and sings il-allah while bowing to the left (the same as in dhikr).
  2. The tune is the same as in dhikr.

Fourth Phrase

  1. With eyes closed, each person sings or says Allah while nodding their head forward and back gently, bringing their awareness deep into their heart.

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