Nighttime Tawbah Cleansing Process

  1. Start on the first Sunday night in the next Islamic month (dhu-lqi’dah).  The internet should give you that information.  In 2007 this was on November 11.
  2. Start the practice after ‘isha prayer.
  3. Recite “astaghfiru allah al-‘dhim wa atubu ilayhi” 3000 times on Sunday night, and on the following Thursday night and the following Sunday. (in 2007 this was Nov 11,15,18)
  4. Then recite “la illah illa allah” 3000 times.  Start on the Thursday immediately following the previous Sunday.  Do this practice for 3 nights (Sunday, Thursday, Sunday)  (in 2007 start on Sunday Nov 18, continue on Thursday Nov 22, Sunday 25, and Thursday 29)
  5. Conclude the process by asking Allah to send His  peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (saws), his family and companions.  Recite “allahumma sali ‘ala sayyidinna Muhammadin was aalihi was sahbihi wa sallim” 3000 times on Sunday, Thursday, and Sunday. (in 2007 this was on Sunday Dec 2, Thursday Dec 6, and Sunday Dec 9)



  1. You can do this process either individually or in groups.
  2. If someone you know would like to do this practice and receive its benefits, insha’allah, you  must take the Tawbah promise with Salih Cotten and pay a sacrifice.
  3. If circumstances force you or make it unusually difficult for you to finish your recitations, (travel, illness, etc.) simply pick back up on the next Thursday or Sunday.

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