4 Quls & Short Surahs for Salat

These are four short surahs from the Qu’ran.  They are often used in healings and in making salat.  It is very helpful for you to memorize them.  They best way to memorize them is to use them in your salat practice every day.  Al-‘Ikhlas, al-Falaq, and an-Nas are frequently recited together.  It is recommended that the three surahs are said morning and evening for protection from dangers and as a source of comfort. They are sometimes said into the hands (palms cupped together) three times and then the hands are passed over the body.  This is said to help heal the body.

Al-Iklas – The Unity (112:1-4)


In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Compassionate

Qul:Huwa allhu ‘ahad

Say: He is Allah, the One

‘Allahu-s- samad

Allah, the eternally besought of all

Lam yalid wa lam yulad

He begetteth not nor was begotten

Wa lam yakun-l- lahu

And there is none

Kufuwan ‘ahad

Comparable to Him.

Here is al-iklas

Audio Player

 recited by Fethi Benhalim.

Surah Al-Falaq – The Dawn (113:1-5)


In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Compassionate

Qul: ‘a’udhu bi-rabbi-l-falaq min sharri ma khalaq

Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the daybreak

Wa min sharri ghasiqin ‘idha waqab

From the evil of that which He hath created

Wa min sharri-n-naffathati fi-l-‘uqad

From the evil of the women who blow on knots

Wa min sharri hasidin ‘idha hasad

From the evil of the envier when he envys.

Here is al-falaq

Audio Player

 recited by Fethi Benhalim.

Surah An-Nas – The People (1141-6)


In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Compassionate

Qul: ‘a’uthu bi-rabbi-n-nas maliki-n-nas ‘illahi-n-nas

Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the King of Mankind, the God of mankind

Min sharri-l-waswasi-l-khannas

From the evil of the sneaking whisperer

‘Al-ladhi yuwaswisu fi suduri-n-nas

Who whispers unto the breasts of mankind

Mina-l-jinnati wa-n-nas

Whether of jinn or mankind.

Here is an-nas

Audio Player

 recited by Fethi Benhalim.

Surah Al Kafirun – The Disbelievers (109:1-6)


In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Compassionate

Qul Yaa-‘ayyuha-l-kafirun

Say: Oh you who cover up the Truth

Laa ‘a’budu ma ta’badun

I do not worship what you worship

Wa laa ‘antum ‘abiduna maa ‘a’budu

and you do not worship what I worship

Wa laa ‘ana ‘abiduna maa’a’bud

and you will not worship what I worship

Lakum dinukum wa-li-ya din.

To you your religion (din) and to me my religion. (din)

Listen to Shaykh Durkee as he recites al-kafirun.

Audio Player

Surah Al-‘Asr -The Time (103:1-3)

Bismillahi-r-Rahman-ir-Rahim, Wal-‘asr

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, the Mercy-giving, by the time

‘Inna-l-‘insana lafi khusr

Truly! man is at a loss

‘Illa-l-ladhina ‘amanu wa ‘amilu-s-salihat, wa tawasaw bil-haqqi wa tawasaw bis-sabr. 

Except those who believe and do good works, and encourage one another in truth and encourage one another in patience.

The Clot al-‘Alaq (96:1-5)


In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Mercy-Bestowing

‘Iqra’ bismi rabbika-l-ladhi khlaq

Read: In the name of your Lord Who created

Khlaqa-l-‘insana min ‘alaq

Created mankind from a clot

‘Iqra’ wa rabbuka-l-‘akram

Read: and your Lord is the Most Bounteous

Alladhi ‘allama bi-l-qalam

Who taught by the pen

‘Allama-l-‘insana ma lam ya’lam

Taught people what they knew not.


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